Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a great couple of weeks since half term with lots going on as usual!
I am particularly enjoying having a regular class again. Otter Class have settled into the new routine of being Otters in the morning and Foxes in the afternoon, brilliantly. We are delighted to welcome Mrs Chant back onto the team on Wednesdays and Fridays too.
On Monday, Squirrel, Otter, Fox and Stag classes joined Andrew Powell-Thomas and Rev Kev at the War Memorial for the two minute silence at 11.00. All staff remarked on how well behaved and respectful the children were. This was a fitting end to the Bampton Remembers project that Mr Powell-Thomas, author and historian, worked on with Stag class who had to find out as much information as they could about each of the names on the war memorial. When we came back to school, the children presented their work to the rest of the school.
It was truly wonderful to see so many families taking part in the Djembe Drumming at Bampton Fair. Thank you for supporting this. The children were fabulous and I felt very proud! The next public performance will be at the Bampton Lights turn on, 6th December. We are very honoured to have been asked to sing Christmas songs around the Christmas tree! An indication of how many of the children will be available to sing would be most helpful.
Speaking of Christmas…. Children in Hedgehog and Squirrel classes have been working very hard, learning their lines, cues and songs for this year’s Nativity ‘Hey Ewe!’ They have already tried on costumes and are very excited. The Nativity and carol service will be on Tuesday 10th December at 5.00 and Wednesday 11th December at 2.00pm. Both services will be in the church. I am once again very grateful to the PTFA for providing refreshments in the church before and after the services.
This week we have been holding parents evenings which I hope you have found useful. If you were unable to attend and would like to speak to your child’s teacher, do please get in touch with them to make an appointment.
We do hope that you will be able to come to our Open Afternoon on Monday 18th November from 1.30 - 3.00. Please feel free to drop in to see what the children are learning in class or to stay all afternoon with us - we will be delighted to see you. At 3.00pm I will be holding a Parent Forum meeting which will be an opportunity for you to share any ideas you have for school improvement, to express any concerns you may have and to celebrate the things that are going well!
Attendance up until Thursday 14th November 2024. Please note the Trust target is 97% attendance.
Please see below this weeks attendance percentages for each class
Whole School Attendance | 95.4% |
Hedgehog Class | 96.5% |
Squirrel Class | 92.8% |
Fox Class | 95.4% |
Stag Class | 94.0% |

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.

After School Clubs
Monday |
Choir Club run by Mr Narramore for KS1 & KS2 - Book via the school app |
Tuesday |
No Clubs |
Wednesday |
PE skills and drill run by Mr McCutcheon for KS2 - Book via the school app |
Thursday |
No Clubs |
Friday |
Woodland School run by Mrs Newman R, KS1, KS - Book via the school app |
- WB 11th November - Parents evenings
- 15th November - Children in Need
- 18th November - Open Afternoon 1.30 - 3.00pm and Parent Forum 3.00pm
- 2nd December - Dogs Trust to School
- 6th December- Christmas Lights on in Bampton
- 9th December - KS1 Multisports event at THS
- 10th December - 5.00pm Nativity in the Church
- 11th December - 2.00pm Nativity in the Church
- 12th December - Christmas Jumper day - make your own or use our Christmas Jumper Swap Box (please do donate to this as well!)
- 13th December - PTFA Film Night 4.00pm at school in PJs!
- WB 16th December - Carol singing in the carehomes
- 17th December - Winning House tea party
- 18th December - Christmas Lunch (TBC)
- 20th December - End of term

Results coming soon | ||
Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.
Good luck everyone!
Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:
Hedgehog and Fieldmice children have been enjoying our
new topic ‘Celebrations’ and have been making lots of amazing artwork using a variety of media.
We have also been learning songs and lines for the Nativity play ‘Hey Ewe’. In P.E. we have been learning gymnastics and in PSHE we have been thinking about how we are all special.
Squirrel Class:
have got straight back into their learning with enthusiasm after the half term
break. In maths we have been focussing on addition and subtraction and making fact families, we have been really impressed with their reasoning and maths oracy skills. In DT we are creating moving pictures influenced by pop-up books based on traditional tales. We have learned all our songs for the Nativity already and are busy practising our lines for the play ‘Hey Ewe’.
Fox Class:
I'm excited to share that Fox and Otter Class have settled back into school brilliantly over the last two weeks! I also wanted to highlight how wonderfully they behaved during the Remembrance Service; their respect and attentiveness truly shone through.
The children have handled the split like pros and are working hard on their persuasive letters in English lessons. In Maths, we are looking at addition and subtraction, and the children are really getting the hang of it!
In Geography, we’ve started exploring how to use a compass and discovering the different human and physical features of Europe. In the coming weeks, we’ll be shifting our focus a bit closer to home and learning more about our local area, which should be really exciting!
Stag Class:
Stag class have had an excellent couple of weeks finishing off the Bampton Remembers project which culminated in them leading a remembrance service on Monday. I was so proud of the work that they put into this project and the end results were a wonderful tribute to the research they have completed, their new historical knowledge of the two world wars and also their excellent biography writing. I know I am not alone in looking forward to seeing their names in the published book which should be coming out next year.

Robin in Hedgehog Class
Robin has shown a much more mature attitude to work in the
past few weeks. He is always asking to do more work and is
great at sharing resources with other children. Well done Robin,
keep it up!
Elaina in Hedgehog Class
Elaina has been working very hard, both in school and at home
and has been impressing everyone with her reading, writing and
maths. Well done Elaina, keep it up!

Isla in Squirrel Class
For demonstrating fantastic confidence and determination. Isla
has impressed us with her singing and signing throughout the
nativity and also her determination with her maths and phonics.
She has made great progress in writing, forming sentences in
her head and writing them using her phonics skills.
Lexi in Squirrel Class
For demonstrating the character virtues of determination and motivation. Lexi has impressed us with her commitment to learning both at home and at school. Lexi is very
focussed in reading and is using stem sentences in maths to support her learning.

Ronnie in Fox Class
For showing the character virtue of Motivation in his work and conduct over the last week.
Ron B in Fox Class
For showing the character virtues of determination and resilience across his work. He has been paying particular attention to his handwriting and has been working really hard on it.

Martha in Otter Class
For showing the character virtues of motivation and determination. Martha is such an inspiration! She is always ready to learn and is a wonderful role model to the rest of the class.
Autumn in Otter Class
For showing the character virtues of resilience and determination. We have been doing some tricky work in Otter Class this week and Autumn has consistently tried her hardest in our Maths and English. Well done Autumn, I am very proud of you!
Well done Everybody

The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.
We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.
We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.
If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact bamptonptfa@gmail.com or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.