Dear Parents and Carers,

Time flies when you are enjoying yourself, and we are certainly doing that in school!

I have had a great time this week going into classrooms to see what fantastic work the children are doing.  In every classroom  I could see purposeful engagement from the children who were evidently enjoying their learning.  The teachers and TAs made the lessons fun and engaging so that children were on task and making good progress.   It was a joy to see.

Children in years three and four attended a mixed football tournament on Monday at Tiverton High School.  They played fantastically and were very pleased when they discovered that they had come second!

On Friday, we were very sad to say goodbye to Rev Kev who has been supporting the school for the past 9 years.  He is moving to Bath in a few weeks and we wish him all the best in his new ventures. He will be missed!

Have a lovely weekend,


Attendance up until Wednesday 08 January 2025.  Please note the Trust target is 97% attendance.

This weeks attendance percentage

Reception 95.11%
Year 1 96.3%
Year 2 90.66%
Year 3 94.22%
Year 4 94.57%
Year 5 91.39%
Year 6 97.26%

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.


After School Clubs

After School clubs

There is a paid after school club every night which will run from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. Primary Education will be running a paid club on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  In addition to this below is a list of clubs run by Teachers from 3.30pm until 4.40pm. These clubs are subject to change at any point depending on staff illness or training.


Choir Club run by Mr Narramore for KS1 & KS2  - Book via the school app


No Clubs


Film Club run by Mr McCutcheon for All Ages - Book via the school app

Glow in the dark Dodgeball run by Primary Sports for KS1 &KS2 - Book directly with Primary Sports. Starts 15th January - 12th February 


Gymnastics Club run by Primary Sports for KS1 & KS2 - Book directly . Starts 16th January - 13th February

Cuppa club for year 6 run by Mr Narramore - Book via school app


Craft Club run by Mrs Newman R, KS1, KS2 - Book via school app
  • 30th January SIO coffee club 2.45pm - 3.30pm
  • 29th January Youth Speaks
  • 30th January Parent Forum 4pm -5pm
  • 3rd February - Year 5 and Year 6 Girls Tag Rugby THS
  • 6th February SIO coffee club 2.45pm -3.30pm
  • 14th February - Inset Day
  • 17th - 21st February - Half term
  • 24th February - Return to school
Results coming soon

Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.

Good luck everyone!

Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class

have really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year this week. In literacy we have been writing about the characters in the New Year story, as well as writing fortune cookie messages.  In expressive arts we have been making lanterns and in maths we have been learning how to say and write Chinese numbers up to 10!

Squirrel Class

have shown perseverance all week in their learning. In Art we completed our Expressive Painting topic by focussing on consecutive drawing and mark making activities using pencil, collage and paint. We are planning an exhibition to showcase our work to parents and carers so watch this space! In Literacy we have been reading and writing about characters from the book ‘Man on the Moon: A day in the Life of Bob”. Today we had a visit from Bob and the children were able to ask Bob about his job cleaning the moon and entertaining tourists.

Fox Class

have been fantastic this week through all the various staff changes.  Particular comments have been made by the supply teachers regarding how well behaved and helpful they are - I am not surprised but am also very proud of them!  This week they have begun the second maths unit on multiplication and division in maths, and in English have been finishing off their stone age stories which are now ready to publish!  The next story they will be writing will have a particular focus on using the third person in narrative. We will continue to follow the yr 3 part of the two year rolling programme for foundation subjects so that there are no gaps in their learning.  They too are learning about solids, gases and liquids and the Bronze Age.

Otter Class

In our lessons this week we have been carrying out experiments in Science - mixing Bicarbonate of Soda and white vinegar and looking at the chemical reaction that occurs, converting solid and liquid to gas. In History, we have moved on from the Bronze Age to look at the Iron Age, exploring the changes that we can see in the archaeological record. In English, we have been concentrating on gathering ideas and making our sentences really ‘pop’ before beginning our own spy stories inspired by ‘Spy Fox.’ We have also been getting the paints out in Art and creating some super pictures, thinking about different mediums and textures. Otters have also begun to learn about programming in IT, using the Turtle Academy online site.

Stag Class

This week we have been enjoying some of the plays of William Shakespeare. The children have been very enthusiastic about the plot twists and humour we have discovered and we are going to use what we have learnt to inspire our writing over the coming weeks. In computing we have also started a new unit where we are learning about variables in coding. We are using these within Scratch to make some games with added excitement.



Freddie in Hedgehog Class

Freddie has been a superstar in Hedgehog Class this week.  He has shown the character virtues of motivation and respect by listening attentively and following all of the school rules.  Keep it up Freddie, well done!



 Ned in Squirrel Class

Ned is always so enthusiastic and friendly. He can be relied upon to welcome any visitors, help younger children or carry out a job for an adult in school as he always makes excellent behaviour choices. We have been blown away by his motivation in reading and his voice and commitment in phonics is an inspiration to everyone. Well done Ned!

Freya in Squirrel Class

Since becoming a Year 2 we have seen a huge change in Freya’s confidence. In everything Freya does she gives her all. In maths and writing she is always challenging herself to do more and solve problems independently. She has made huge progress in writing and is now writing extended pieces of work that are carefully planned, using her phonics skills as well as remembering spellings that she has learned. Well done Freya!


Verity in Fox Class

For showing the character virtues of resilience and motivation. Verity tries her hardest in her work and goes into it with a positive attitude which is lovely to see.

Grace in Fox Class

For showing the character virtue of resilience. Grace always puts her hand up and has a go, never getting defeated when she struggles with an answer. She has also been showing the character virtue of kindness by helping others in the class.


 Autumn in Otter Class

Autumn has approached her work with gentle determination this week. Her growing confidence in herself is lovely to see, especially as she quietly helps people around her with tasks that they find tricky.

Gus in Otter Class

Gus has settled into Otter Class superbly well and it’s hard to imagine the class without him now! He shows such enthusiasm, curiosity and creativity in his work and is always willing to share ideas and thoughts. Well done, Gus!


Willow in Stag Class

Willow has shown fantastic aspiration when trying to improve on previous bits of work that she has done. She is really listening and taking on feedback and then showing the determination to incorporate this into her work.

Thomas in Stag Class

Thomas for the respect and compassion he shows around the school. Thomas has been so helpful in class recently and always shares his cheer with those around him. He is also exceptionally polite to both adults and other students and is a real asset to our class.

Well done Everybody


The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.

We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.

We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.

If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.

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