Dear Parents and Carers,
Another whirlwind fortnight has gone by and at last the Summer has arrived!
Last week, Year 6 began their transition to secondary school with the Maggie Fasey Challenge. This is an organised 8 mile walk around Tiverton, visiting the town's primary schools, out of town along the canal and back along the old railway line. A wonderful way to spend the day! Mr McCutcheon's group were the first to return and my group were lucky enough to see a family of swans and the horse drawn barge on the canal. We finished off with games on the playing field and astro at Tiverton High School. The children have since spent two days at THS meeting their yr 7 peers and getting to know the layout of the school and have come back buzzing!
In school, Mr M has been taking on the Swimming Teacher mantle while Miss Johnstone is off and has been thoroughly enjoying the challenge! We had great fun at the KS2 Swimming Gala in Tiverton last week. The teams demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship, cheering on their friends and they greatly enjoyed taking part in the event. Next week, we are delighted to welcome Lydeard St Lawrence Primary school to a swimming gala here after school on Friday. Also next week, Squirrels and Hedgehogs will be visiting Tiverton Canal where they will be pond dipping and going on a minibeast hunt!
On Saturday 6th from 2-4pm, you are warmly invited to our Summer Fair! It will be a wonderful event, with lots to do so please bring your friends and enjoy the afternoon sipping lemonade or Pimms, tucking into a BBQ, and browsing the stalls. Yr 6 children have been actively organising the afternoon, ably supported by the PTFA to whom we are very grateful for their time and hard work.
Yr 3 and 4 have an athletics event at THS on Thursday 11th and Stag Class will be on residential at Grenville House, Brixham all week from 8th - 12th of July! Never a dull moment at Bampton!
Mr Pagett has also been into school to tell us all about the progress of the new Pump Track and launched a 'design a logo' competition for the children. Fieldmice and Hedgehogs got a first hand account of the works from the designers themselves which generated some marvellous writing from Ronnie C. Everyone has enjoyed watching the balletic skills of the diggers from our birds eye view!
The KS2 play is coming on apace and the school positively rings with music and singing each day. Unfortunately, tickets will be initially limited to two per child due to the fire regulations in the hall. Please let the office know if you require more tickets.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Please see below the attendance percentages for each class, calculated from the beginning of the term up to and including 8th Feburary 2024.
Hedgehog Class | 91.6% |
Squirrel Class | 93.9% |
Fox Class | 95.5% |
Stag Class | 92.3% |

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.

After School Clubs
Monday |
KS2 Tennis with Premier Education |
Tuesday |
R, KS1 & KS2 Lego Club run by Mrs Newman - Book via school app |
Wednesday |
R, KS1, KS2 DT Club run by Mrs Newman - Book via school app
Stag Football run by Mr McCutcheon - Book via school app |
Thursday |
KS2 Art club run by Laura Grant - book on the school appForest School run by Primary Forest School - Book direct |
Friday |
KS1, KS2 - Striking and Fielding – Cricket, Rounders run by Premier Education - Book direct |
4th July R and KS1 Trip to Tiverton Canal
5th July KS2 Swim gala with Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School 4pm - 5pm
6th July Summer Fete 2pm
W/C 8th July Stag class residential
11th July Year ¾ Athletics THS
15th July Sports day - reserve day 22nd July Starts 2pm
16th July - Transition day
16th July Year 6 BBQ and swim 4pm Pupils and staff only
17th July KS2 Performance 2pm
18th July KS2 Performance 5.30pm
23rd July Year 6 leaver assembly 2pm
23rd July - last day of summer term

Stag Class | Highest Score | Ryan |
Stag Class | Amazing Effort | Olivia |
Fox Class | Highest Score | Lucas A |
Fox Class | Amazing Effort | Cassie |
Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.
Good luck everyone!
Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:
We have been showing curiosity this week, reading our new class story A Squash and a Squeeze and carrying out animal-related activities. In Hedgehog we also read the story 'Five Minutes' Peace', and then investigated how long a minute was by seeing how many star jumps we could complete in a minute, and how many times we could write their own names in a minute! We have also been practising the days of the week and learning about sequencing. Our new farm shop role play corner has been very popular, and the children have enjoyed taking turns being shopkeepers and customers.
Squirrel Class:
In Y1 we have been showing our character virtue of motivation in Maths in learning to describe position and direction, including quarter turns, half turns, three-quarter turns and full turns! At the weekend it would be amazing if you could challenge us on our new knowledge. In Y2 we have been showing our character virtue of motivation in learning to tell the time to five minutes on analogue clocks. We have really enjoyed using our learning clock resources to help us with this. At home, please ask us to tell the time so we can practise this even more!
Fox Class:
have demonstrated the Character virtues of determination and enthusiasm. This has highlighted with their great effort singing the very merry songs for the production. In English, Fox class have been looking at different poetry and comparing poems. They are super at finding rhyming couplets. Also, some of Fox class are celebrating that the stories they wrote for a competition, were so good, that they are being published! Continuing the winning theme: well done to Ella, Imogen and Annabelle for winning prizes for their work for our trip to the Tiverton LifePath!
Stag Class:
have demonstrated the Character virtues of motivation and courage. We have been incredibly busy with our learning. In English we have been writing a balanced argument about the merits of wearing school uniform. In maths we have been challenging ourselves with decimal work. In science we have been learning about forces and have particularly enjoyed doing the practical side of the subject. In geography we have been learning about mountains and volcanoes. On top of all that, we have been rehearsing for our school play, taken part in a swimming gala and year 6 have been involved in transition activities with Tiverton High School.

Ethan in Hedgehog Class
For his enthusiasm and curiosity in all lessons. Ethan has enjoyed exploring height and length in maths, and has shown the character virtue of confidence by putting his hand up much more often to share his ideas. Well done, Ethan!
Eleanor In Hedgehog Class
For her motivation in all her work this week, but particularly in her writing. Eleanor has written the most amazing sentences sequencing her school day, using her phonics knowledge and really concentrating on her letter formation. Well done Eleanor!

Eliza in Squirrel Class
For her incredible focus and determination in her summer assessments, and for her amazing penny-dropping moments in Maths this week.
Eliza has settled in so well at Bampton and her exquisite manners have impressed everyone.Well done, Eliza!
Isaak in Squirrel Class
For demonstrating the character virtue of motivation. Isaak has been working hard in all areas, especially maths and writing. We were also very impressed that Isaak had been writing his own comic at home. Well done Isaak, keep up the good work!

Cora in Fox Class
For showing the character virtues of curiosity and caring. Cora is very caring and thoughtful. She will look out for others and is a great friend. Cora asks great questions and has super determination to improve her knowledge. She has settled into Fox class brilliantly and always tries her hardest.
Martha in Fox class
Martha has demonstrated the character virtues of determination and curiosity. She works hard every lesson, and has a positive attitude towards all work. Martha is a delight to teach, she is thoughtful and takes pride in her work. She has a great, competitive nature and balances this with encouraging others. Martha, you are a very deserving certificate winner.

Tommy in Stag Class
Tommy has shown how mature he has become and is now ready for Secondary school. Tommy also impressed me with his swimming skills, whilst taking second place in the front crawl race at the swimming gala. Finally, Tommy blew me away with his acting skills when rehearsing for the school play.
Harry in Stag Class
For demonstrating the virtue of courage. During the Maggie Fasey Challenge, Harry showed amazing resilience by keeping up with the fastest group in the whole competition. He also showed friendliness by joining in with games involving children from all over Tiverton. Well done Harry!
Well done Everybody

The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.
We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.
We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.
If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact bamptonptfa@gmail.com or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.