Welcome to  Summer Term in Fox Class

Dear parents and carers,

I hope that you all had a great Easter break and I hope that your child is as excited as I am about the Summer term.
You can now find the curriculum overview for this academic year on the school website: https://bamptonschool.org/curriculumoverview/ This half term, as a school, we will explore, act and reflect on our core virtues of Gratitude, Motivation and Aspiration.

Our focus topic this term will be our History topic on the Vikings.
This letter provides you with some information that you will find useful for the rest of the term ahead.

Please ensure that your child checks that they have the following each day:

  • A water bottle that can be filled up from the classroom tap.
  • Their reading book and reading diary
  • Please could your child bring a waterproof coat into school every day
  • Your child should be wearing the correct uniform as specified in the uniform policy on the school website.


  • Your child should be wearing the correct uniform as specified in the uniform policy on the school website. This is:
    • Black shorts/trousers/skirt
    • White polo shirt
    • Red logo jumper/cardigan
    • Black shoes

We have plenty of second-hand uniform in school. Please ask if you would like some in exchange for a small donation – we would love to free up the space and have the uniform be used!
We have our PE lessons on a Monday morning and Friday morning. Please can your child come to school dressed in their P.E kits on these days. Devon County Council requires that jewellery, including earrings and studs, be removed for P.E. and related activities for health and safety reasons.

Home Learning

Home learning is an important part of your child’s education. The home learning set will be planned to reinforce the work being covered in class. Each week, home learning activities are set on a Monday and handed in the following Monday.

Year 3 and 4 Spellings

A list of spellings will be given out every Monday. These are set from the National Curriculum and will focus on spelling strategies being learnt in class. Your child will then be tested on these spellings the following Monday. We will be regularly learning, practising and testing these words so that they become completely internalised by the child. Children should be able to apply their spellings to their own written work and not just in an isolated test. For their spelling home learning tasks, they should learn their words using a ‘LOOK, COVER, WRITE and CHECK’ method or by practising them on SpellingShed.   

Times Tables

Children will be learning their table facts for all times tables (up to 12), through recall on TT Rock Stars and practice in class. When confident, your child will then be learning any corresponding division facts. Every child in Fox class has been registered onto Times Tables Rock Stars and given a login and password, so that they can practise their times tables on their Chromebooks at home. Please see the Newsletter each week to see if your child is our TTRS Superstar!

Daily Reading

Your child will bring home a reading book to share with you. I would like to take this opportunity to stress how important it is that you read with your child for 10-15 minutes each day, then sign the reading diary and make any necessary comments. I check the diaries on a daily basis. It is very beneficial for your child to read to an adult regularly which will build their knowledge of different words and help them gain confidence with their reading. Please could you discuss their understanding of the text. Regular reading at home earns table points towards Friday’s ‘winning table’ treat.


Children are invited to bring a healthy snack to school from home such as fruit or vegetables.

As always, I believe in an ‘open door policy’, so please feel free to come into the classroom in the morning as the children settle into their morning task.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions.

Many thanks,

Mrs Benjafield

Fox Class Teacher