Dear Parents and Carers,

What an amazing Summer Fair we had - wonderful weather, great atmosphere and plenty of enthusiasm.  Very many thanks to the PTFA for setting it all up with the help of the children in year 6. Thank you all so much for your support.

I would like to thank all the staff at Bampton for their hard work every day but in particular, this last week .  Those who remained in school did a marvellous job of keeping the ship running so smoothly while  I have been away on residential. 

The residential has been fantastic fun but these things are incredibly hard work and Mrs Standford, Mr McCutcheon, Hannah and Miss Lancelles (who volunteered)  as well as Mr Flowers from the Central team and the staff from Burlescombe and Webbers schools, must be thanked and commended for their tireless good humour and commitment to making sure everything went so well.  The children had the best possible time and everyone threw themselves wholeheartedly into the activities.

The end of term is nearly upon us but we are squeezing so much in - Sports Day, Move Up Day, the KS2 performance, Yr 6 BBQ and swim, the Talent Show and the Leavers Assembly on the last day of term. It will all go incredibly quickly and soon the Summer will be here! 

It's been an unbelievably busy year which has absolutely flown by and the children have worked very hard throughout the year so deserve a truly  wonderful Summer holiday!


Please see below the attendance percentages for each class, calculated from the beginning of the term up to and including 8th Feburary 2024.

Hedgehog Class 91.5%
Squirrel Class 94.0%
Fox Class 95.6% 
Stag Class 93.0%



Breakfast Club

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.


After School Clubs


KS2 Tennis with Premier Education


R, KS1 & KS2 Lego Club run by Mrs Newman - Book via school app


R, KS1, KS2 DT Club run by Mrs Newman - Book via school app

Stag Football run by Mr McCutcheon - Book via school app


KS2 Art club run by Laura Grant - book on the school app 

Forest School run by Primary Forest School - Book direct


KS1, KS2 - Striking and Fielding – Cricket, Rounders,Tri Golf, Frizzbe run by Premier Education - Book direct

  • 15th July Sports day - reserve day 22nd July Starts 2pm
  • 16th July - Transition day
  • 16th July Year 6 BBQ and swim 4pm Pupils and staff only
  • 17th July KS2 Performance 2pm
  • 18th July KS2 Performance 5.30pm
  • 19th July Talent show - Pupils and Staff only
  • 23rd July Year 6 leaver assembly 2pm
  • 23rd July - last day of summer term
  • 5th September - Return to school
Fox Class Highest Score Martha
Fox Class Amazing Effort Micheal

Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.

Good luck everyone!

Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:

In Maths, we have been continuing to explore pattern by creating patterns with gems and beads, identifying units of repeating patterns, and printing our own patterned wrapping paper. In Science, we used the character virtue of curiosity to explore freezing and melting. This was particularly exciting because it involved eating ice pops! I was so impressed with the children's scientific thinking and the predictions they made using scientific language..


Squirrel Class:

We have been using our character virtue of creativity in looking at descriptive language in our Dragon Slayer story. We have used expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and inference to describe characters and settings in an exciting way for our readers. In Maths, we have been expanding our knowledge of the place value of tens and ones, moving from concrete to abstract representations.


Fox Class:

during the last two (very busy) weeks, Fox class have been rehearsing brilliantly for the KS2 production. They have been closely following the Euros as we have a class sweepstake. Our last two class members in the sweepstake are Annabelle (Spain) and Leo (England). We have had the great summer fair and everyone really enjoyed all of the activities. There was also the swimming gala last Friday, where everyone tried incredibly hard. Thomas has won the competition for designing the tickets for the production and Olivia won the production programme design. Ella also won the Golden mile for running and won the record for the fastest time! What a fortnight!


Stag Class:

The children have been busy over the last few weeks, honing their acting skills and learning their lines and cues for the play which they are greatly looking forward to performing to you next week on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening.  This week has been an incredible opportunity for the children to meet new friends and learn new skills on residential.  I hope you have managed to see our Facebook posts and pictures which offer a glimpse of the fun we had. 


Charlie in Hedgehog Class

Charlie is growing in confidence every day. He is always eager to learn. In phonics, he is joining in with enthusiasm and in class discussions he always puts his hand up to share his ideas.

Well done Charlie!

Lauryn In Hedgehog Class

Lauryn has shown the character virtue of creativity in her incredible pattern work this week. Lauryn has created beautiful wrapping paper with a repeating pattern using felt tips and printed 2D shapes.


Verity in Squirrel Class

Verity is celebrated this week for her character virtues of kindness and determination.  Verity makes the most of every minute that she is in school. She always works hard and has great empathy for others. In after-school clubs, Verity is focused whilst still having fun. We are very lucky to have Verity in Squirrel class, and she is a fantastic role model.

Ronnie B in Squirrel Class

Ron has shown the character virtue of determination in Maths this week.He has been working independently on place value and showing kindness by helping other children with their work.


Well done, Ron!


Cassie in Fox Class

Cassie has demonstrated the character virtues of curiosity and initiative. She has completed, independently, a superb and detailed story and a newspaper about everything that is happening in Bampton School. Cassie adds great vocabulary to her writing and thinks of the needs of the reader. What a fantastic skill to have!

Charlie in Fox class

For showing the character virtues of helpfulness and curiosity. Charlie asks insightful and thoughtful questions. He is always curious to know more and has a zest for learning. Without being asked to, Charlie helps others and shows what a kind and thoughtful boy he is. Well done, Charlie!


John in Stag Class

John showed  the character virtues of citizenship and friendliness whilst many of the rest of his year group were on transition days. John is always ready to help both adults and children alike. He is incredibly polite and hard working and never fails to try his best at everything.


All Stag Class for behaving so well on residential, trying everything with enthusiasm and making new friends.

Well done Everybody


The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.

We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.

We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.

If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.

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