Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to thank you for your patience while we have had a gap in our admin recruitment. Caroline has done a magnificent job of making sure that she can do as much as possible in the two days she works for us. She is amazingly efficient and I am incredibly grateful to her for keeping the ship sailing so smoothly!
Over the past week we have been assessing the children’s knowledge and understanding of maths and English. For year 6, this has been a very formal affair in order to give them practice for the real thing. In between tests, they went on their first Exmoor Challenge practice walk and impressed Mr Narramore and Mr McCutcheon with their speedy assault of the steep hills. We look forward to the next practice walks on Exmoor!
Last week was Science Week. Children across the school took part in science experiments and investigations from finding out what seeds grow best where, to what adaptations animals make to manage in different environments and looking at Darwin.
We also had a brilliant Bampton Book Day and I was so impressed with all the wonderful costumes the children came in. They had evidently thought long and hard about how to put these together which inevitably sharpened their focus on their chosen book and reading in general. We were delighted to welcome back the Bookery from Crediton to encourage a delight in reading. Thank you for supporting them with this. We are focussing on Reading for Pleasure as part of our school improvement plan. Encouraging children to pick up a book and get stuck in will not only give them more opportunity to practise their reading skills, but also improve their vocabulary and broaden their horizons. Sharing a book with your child as a way of relaxing together is one of the best ways to enthuse them to pick up books independently.
Next week we look forward to welcoming you to our Open Afternoon and art show from 2.00 to 3.00pm and our Parent Forum from 3.00 to 3.30pm.
Attendance up until Wednesday 08 January 2025. Please note the Trust target is 97% attendance.
This weeks attendance percentage
Whole School | 93% |
Hedgehogs | 96% |
Squirrels | 91% |
Fox | 90.5% |
Otter | 96% |
Stag | 96% |

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.

After School Clubs
After School clubs
There is a paid after school club every night which will run from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. Primary Education will be running a paid club on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. In addition to this below is a list of clubs run by Teachers from 3.30pm until 4.40pm. These clubs are subject to change at any point depending on staff illness or training.
Monday |
Choir Club run by Mr Narramore for KS1 & KS2 - Book via the school app |
Tuesday |
No Clubs |
Wednesday |
Film Club run by Miss Johnstone for R, KS1, KS2 - Book via school app
Football run by Primary Sports for KS1 &KS2 - Book directly with Primary Sports. Starts 26th February- 2nd April |
Thursday |
Gymnastics Club run by Primary Sports for KS1 & KS2 - Book directly . Starts 16th January - 13th February
Cuppa club for year 6 run by Mr Narramore - Book via school app |
Friday |
Craft Club run by Mrs Newman R, KS1, KS2 - Book via school app |
- 21st March - Red Nose Day
- 24th March - Open Afternoon and
- 29th March - Exmoor Challenge Practice Walk and PTFA Quiz
- W/B 31st March - Parents Evening - dates to be confirmed by Teachers
- 3rd April - Easter Service at Church 2.00pm
- 7th April - 21st April - Easter Holidays
- 22nd April - Return to school
- 26th April - Exmoor Challenge Practice Walk - yr 6
- 28th - 30th April - Fox and Otter Bath Residential
- 29th April - Reading Buddies Training for parents and carers
- 3rd May - Exmoor Challenge
- 9th May - Parent Power Afternoon followed by BBQ
- 21st May - Hedgehog and Squirrel trip to Rosemoor (TBC)
- 22nd May - Class Photos
- 23rd May - INSET DAY
- 26th May - 30th May - Half Term
- 7th June - PTFA Car Boot Sale
- 18th June - THS Swimming Gala
- 24th June - Maggie Fasey Challenge THS - yr 6 only
- 25th - 26th June - THS Transition days yr 6
- 5th July - Summer Fair PTFA
- 22nd July - Leavers Assembly

Results coming soon | ||
Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.
Good luck everyone!
Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class
have had an exciting 2 weeks of learning. We enjoyed British science week by learning about what plants need to grow and then planted some pea shoots. We can already see some growth and are excited to taste them when fully grown. This science learning went well with our class story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We also enjoyed World Book Day with the whole class dressing up as memorable book characters
Squirrel Class
have shown critical thinking skills in maths this week as we have been exploring the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. Children are also accessing TTRockstars for a few minutes throughout the week but please support your child to access this fantastic learning platform at home to embed their times table learning. Last week saw the end of our fantastic writing and retelling of the story ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley. This week we have been learning the story ‘Little Red’ by Beth Woollvin and will be writing a newspaper report to retell the story. We enjoyed looking at examples of newspaper articles to determine what features will be required in our writing and even watched footage of how newspapers are produced.
Fox Class
This past fortnight has been an exciting one for us all! In maths, we've been busy using millimetres, centimetres, and metres to sharpen our measuring skills. Over in English, the children have completed a fantastic unit on performance poetry and are now diving into first-person narrative descriptions. Last week was especially fun as we celebrated Science Day, where we applied our knowledge of evaporation and condensation to clean salt from water. Fox class have put in a tremendous effort during their assessments this week, and in Geography, we’ve been exploring both human and physical landmarks.
Otter Class
In our Science lesson this week we went outside on a beautiful sunny afternoon and looked for minibeasts. We put into use our new learning about classification keys to closely study the creatures we found and understand how scientists group them according to physical features. We also thought about microhabitats and how invertebrates and vertebrates have adapted to live there. Otters completed their assessments this week and were all amazing in their approach and attitude. I am incredibly proud of them all! We also carried on with our French and with our look at the Muslim faith in R.E.
Stag Class
This week we have been doing our spring tests where Stag class have had the chance to show off all of the things we have learnt over the last few months. I have been very impressed with the progress they have made and how they have recalled so much. Year 6 have done their first set of tests in the main hall where we will do our SATs in May and have been very professional in their approach. We also did our first Exmoor Challenge walk on Tuesday where everyone in Year 6 made it around the tough, hilly first walk, enjoying some beautiful views of the surrounding area in some glorious spring sunshine.

Lola in Hedgehog Class
Lola has been working really hard on all aspects of her learning, in particular writing. Lola wrote a lovely set of instructions for planting a seed and continues to use her phonics knowledge to write independently. Well done Lola!
Kellan in Hedgehog Class
Kellan has wowed me with his independent writing this week. He has produced his own stroy books and enjoyed sharing them with the class. He can also instantly recall doubles in maths which is a super. Well done Kellan!

Chloe in Squirrel Class
Chloe has made huge progress this year with her phonics and writing. We have been impressed with her independent writing as she retold the story Stanley’s Stick in three parts. She also has also improved her spelling scores with a 10 out of 10 this week! Well done Chloe.
Aaron in Squirrel Class
We have been impressed with Aaron’s maths skills this week as we work through our times tables. Aaron has been confidently counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and last week was one of the first members of Squirrel class to receive a Numbots certificate.

Tyrion in Fox Class
For his outstanding virtues of perseverance and motivation! Since joining our class this half-term, he has adapted remarkably well to a range of changes. Despite not particularly enjoying handwriting, Tyrion has shown incredible determination and has been diligently practising, with noticeable improvements already. His hard work truly shines! Furthermore, Tyrion tackled his assessments this week with admirable resilience.
Sophia in Fox Class
For showing the character virtues of motivation and determination in her writing. Sophia has been working really hard to improve both the quality and the quantity of her writing. Sophia also makes sure to use what she has learned in handwriting in all of her written work which is really commendable. Well done Sophia!

Maggie in Otter Class
Maggie has grown in confidence and resilience over the past term and particularly this week where she has been absolutely determined not to let her doubts prevent her from showing just what she is capable of. It is hard to get past that wall sometimes, but Maggie has and she is rightly proud of herself - I’m very proud of her.
Edward in Otter Class
Edward is often a quiet member of Otter Class, preferring to let the more vocal children answer questions or be a part of discussion, but in the past fortnight I have seen him move up a gear and raise his hand, making insightful and mature contributions. He is also taking more care in his written work - really starting to show what he is capable of. Edward, the more you try, the better and better you become - there is no end to the possibilities!

Tyler in Stag Class
Tyler has been doing a great job of displaying some excellent learning behaviours over recent weeks. He has been closely looking at his work for things he can do better and working so hard in class to change these on his next attempts. He is using SATs Companion really well to get on with this independently and also asking questions when needed - this is such a great attitude that will serve him very well in the future.
Kodi in Stag Class
Kodi did a fantastic job on the first walk of the Exmoor challenge. His effort was excellent as he pushed himself up some of the very large hills on the route, trying to keep up with the front of the group as much as possible. He was a really good team player, helping people get things out of their rucksacks so they can do it whilst walking as well as keeping up people’s spirits with his good sense of humour. And even when tiredness was kicking in during the end he finished with a big smile and sense of achievement on his face which was wonderful to see.
Well done Everybody

The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.
We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.
We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.
If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact bamptonptfa@gmail.com or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.