Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you all had a wonderful half term with a good rest and a recharge!

In the first week of term I  was so pleased to be able to welcome PSCO Rachel Lake to get to the know the children a little better and explain what she does.  Being part of our community is so important for us and it is wonderful to know that she will be coming into school on such a regular basis.

Sadly our Djembe drumming lessons have now come to an end.  We have really enjoyed getting to grips with these drums and I am hoping that if we can raise enough money through the PTFA, we can continue these workshops next term.   Listening to a group of children, totally focussed and waiting for the signal to play in unison with varying rhythmic beats,  is very moving.  If anyone would like to book electronic drum lessons with Justin, please let me know.

On Saturday 8th June, I felt privileged to be invited to represent our school in  the Bampton Well Being event in Riverside Hall.  It was so lovely to see first hand what a vast range of activities, groups and societies are available for people living in Bampton. I met so many members of the community who, although may not be involved with us on a day to day basis,  are interested in volunteering to come and read with the children in school - music to my ears!

I am delighted by the take up in our clubs this term.  Breakfast club positively bursts at the seams and many of the other clubs on offer such as DT and Lego are fully booked until the end of term - amazing! Swimming Club has unfortunately had to be on hold for the last few weeks while Miss Johnstone recovers from a nasty bang on the head. She assures me that she will be fully recovered and raring to go very soon!

I was so delighted by the turn out for our Open Afternoon and our Parent Forum on Thursday.  It is always better to see first hand how and what your child is learning in class and this was a great opportunity for you to share your children’s successes.  The Parent Forum was extremely well attended and I hope that if there are any further questions or suggestions, or if anyone was unable to attend, that you will get in touch with me.


Please see below the attendance percentages for each class, calculated from the beginning of the term up to and including 8th Feburary 2024.

Hedgehog Class 91.3%
Squirrel Class 94.0%
Fox Class 95.4% 
Stag Class 92.3%



A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.


After School Clubs


KS2 Tennis with Premier Education


KS1 Swimming run by Miss Johnstone - Book via school app - could be subject to change depending on the swimming pool

R, KS1 & KS2 Lego Club run by Mrs Newman - Book via school app


R, KS1, KS2 DT Club run by Mrs Newman - Book via school app

Stag Football run by Mr McCutcheon - Book via school app


KS2 Art club run by Laura Grant - book on the school app 

Forest School run by Primary Forest School - Book direct


KS1, KS2 - Striking and Fielding – Cricket, Rounders run by Premier Education - Book direct

14th June PTFA Curry and Quiz Night

19th June Tiverton Swimming Gala

25th / 26th / 27th June THS year 6 Transition days

25th June Maggie Fasey Challenge year 6 Tiverton High School - Parents to drive

4th July R and KS1 Trip to Tiverton Canal

5th July KS2 Swim gala with Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School  4pm - 5pm

6th July Summer Fete 2pm

W/C 8th July Stag class residential

11th July Year ¾ Athletics THS

15th July Sports day - reserve day 22nd July

16th July - Transition day

16th July Year 6 BBQ and swim 4pm Pupils and staff only

17th July KS2 Performance 2pm

18th July KS2 Performance 5.30pm

23rd July Year 6 leaver assembly

23rd July - last day of summer term

Stag Class Highest Score Millie
Stag Class Amazing Effort Harry
Fox Class Highest Score Cassie
Fox Class Amazing Effort Harry
Squirrel Class Highest Score Paige
Squirrel Class Amazing Effort Grace

Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.

Good luck everyone!

Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:

We have had a lovely start to the new half term, focusing on farming as a topic. We have looked at the stories of Little Red Hen and Farmer Duck and did some amazing writing about the characters in the stories.  We have also discussed what character virtues the characters displayed.  In science we have been looking at materials and their properties and in D.T. we have baked delicious bread! 


Squirrel Class:

have shown the character virtue of resilience and determination this week whilst doing their assessments. We have had fun in Art drawing pictures of birds and feathers first in pencil and then with pastels. Squirrel class all did really well when we did our NSPCC mile walk today with some pupils going around the school 9 times which is nearly 2 miles. Well done everybody!


Fox Class:

Over the last two weeks, Fox class been to St. Paul’s church in Tiverton for LifePath. This explained the story of the Wesley family and their influence in the area. The class participated in a variety of activities, which were an escape room, making medicines with an alchemist, learning Latin and writing song lyrics.

I have been very impressed with how Fox class have returned after half term. They are enthusiastic learners and make the most of every minute in school. They also deserve a huge well done for their auditions for the KS2 production.


Stag Class:

have been amazing this week.  Year 5 have been demonstrating the character virtues of determination and resilience in their assessment tests, while year 6 have been working with Mrs Kemp on designing their stalls for the Summer Fair, costing them out and making persuasive posters to draw their audience on Saturday 6th July at 2.00pm.  Next week, Mr McCutcheon will be teaching Stag Class full time.  They will be writing narrative texts in English and in Maths will be decimating those decimals!


Harry in Hedgehog Class

For showing the character virtues of resilience and courtesy. Harry has been very independent all week and shown how ready he is for year 1.  Harry has also been noticed by Mrs. Taylor for his effort in all areas.  Well done Harry.


Chole in Hedgehog Class

For showing the character virtue of motivation in her learning.  Chloe has recently joined us and has quickly settled in to become a popular member of class.  Chloe has been noticed in her phonics group for trying her best and she is also a tidy-up expert! Well done Chloe.


Gully in Squirrel Class

Gully has been very impressive in phonics this week.  He has been using his Fred fingers to spell words and he has been answering lots of questions.  Gully has also been trying his best in all lessons.

Well done Gully!


Fred in Squirrel Class

For demonstrating the character virtues of confidence and resilience. We have been very impressed with how Fred has settled into squirrel class this term. He listens carefully, has made new friends and is very helpful. Today he ran 9 laps in our NSPCC fundraising event, almost 2 miles! We are all very proud of you Fred. Well done and keep up the great work.


Leo of Fox Class

Leo has demonstrated the character virtues of determination and curiosity. He tries his hardest each lesson and wants to improve his understanding in all areas. Leo has settled well into Fox class and is a great addition to the class. Our sports teachers always praise him highly for his listening skills and effort. Well done, Leo!


Lucas In Fox Class

Lucas has demonstrated the character virtues of curiosity and determination. He was superb with his effort and determination to complete and conquer the year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check. Lucas has settled well at Bampton, and it has been great to see his determination to improve his understanding. Brilliant Lucas!


Ryan in Stag Class

Ryan for making good choices, avoiding distraction and focussing on his work

Willow in Stag Class

Willow for settling in so well to Bampton, making friends and working hard.

Rosie in Stag Class

Rosie for always being ready to learn, focussing so well in her tests and getting her face wet in swimming lessons - something she had not liked to do previously!

Well done Everybody


The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.

We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.

We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.

If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.

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