Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to welcome everyone back after the half term and we hope that you all had a lovely break. As always, the children settled back into school really quickly this week and are already enjoying their topics. I know that the teachers have sent out ‘welcome back’ letters earlier this week and the curriculum webs and knowledge organisers were sent out last half term to give you more details about your child’s learning. Also, look out for the Parent Consultation dates to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher. The parent consultations will take place in the week commencing 14th November.
It’s been a busy week in school with the Year 5 children in Fox and Stag Class taking part in Bikeability. The children have shown some great resilience and stamina this week on their bikes, both in school and around Bampton. We have been really proud of them. Also in classes, Hedgehog class have been continuing with their topic of ‘Childhood’ where before the break they were researching toys from the past. Squirrel Class are continuing their ‘Through the Ages’ topics switching focus from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. Fox class are continuing with their ‘Invasion Topic’, focusing on the Viking Invasions of the past whilst Stag class are continuing with their ‘Dynamic Dynasties’ topic.
The children in Stag Class have also been supporting this year’s Poppy Appeal, going around the classes to raise funds for this charity. This plays an important part of teaching the children about the character virtues of Reflection, Caring, Citizenship, Empathy and Compassion. It will also help them in achieving their Inspiring Learning Character badges. Thank you to the parents and carers who have sent their children in with money this week to support the Poppy Appeal, by allowing their children to purchase poppies and other related merchandise.
It won’t be long before we start to turn our attention towards Christmas and for now, we can confirm that the KS1 Nativity will be taking place on the 13th and 14th December, Christmas Lunch will be served on the 15th and there will be a Church Service on 16th December.
For other key dates coming up in school soon, please read the ‘Message from the Office’ section of the newsletter below, so you don’t miss out.
Finally, with it being Bonfire Night tomorrow, just to say, we really hope you enjoy any events you might be attending tonight or over the weekend.
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
Stay warm and take care,
Mr Devereaux
Acting Headteacher
Here are all the learning, activities and events that has been happening in school over the past week:
Our School Values Focus this term.
Aiming High and Kindness
Our Character Education Focus Virtues this term.
Generosity, Curiosity, Courtesy and Determination
–——————————————————————————————————————————– C360 Cornerstones Curriculum
Hedgehog Class have been thinking about bonfire night and how we can stay safe whilst enjoying ourselves. They also created some lovely bonfire night collages. In literacy they have been using descriptive language to write a poem about items in a toy box.
Squirrel Class have been learning about life in the Bronze Age, starting with the Bell Beaker folk. We studied prehistoric pottery and designed our own pots through pen and ink line drawings. In literacy we are learning how to write detailed instructions based on the book ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’. We have been expanding our knowledge of time openers and adverbs so that next week we can produce a final piece of non-fiction writing which we look forward to sharing in collective worship.
Fox Class have finished their Norse myths in English and have found out more about Anglo-Saxon life in Britain after the Romans had left. In science they have been investigating the different types of teeth.
Stag class have written archaeological adventure stories based in ancient China. They have also written biographies on Fu Hao.
Hedgehog Class enjoyed taking part in the Harvest service in church before half term. For Reception, it was their first visit to the church and it was lovely to see them performing with such confidence.
Squirrel Class shared their experiences of taking part in community events over the half-term holiday such as Bampton Fair and meeting up with friends for Halloween and birthday parties.
Fox Class came together with the rest of the school to celebrate Harvest before breaking up for the half term break and brought in donations for CHAT, linking to our work on the character virtue of generosity.
Stag Class joined the rest of the school in celebrating Harvest in church, as well as bringing in donations for C.H.A.T. Year 5 children have also participated in bikeability, representing the school with distinction.
Character Education
Hedgehog Class have demonstrated generosity through their harvest donations to CHAT before half term and their donations to the poppy appeal this week. They will reflect further on remembrance next week.
Squirrel Class have been talking about valuing differences in PSHE this week. We read the story ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung and wrote a list of all the character virtues and school values that make a happy and safe community. We produced artwork in the style of Arree Chung to record our ideas.
Fox Class have continued to show the character virtues of motivation and determination this week, adapting well to the learning challenges experienced. In PSHE they have been looking at different scenarios where they use the British values to sort out possible problems.
Stag Class: have shown respect, and also encouraged generosity whilst selling poppies around the school.
Squirrel Class – Year 3 children used their Chromebooks to create presentations and share their Harvest haikus.
Fox Class have been using their Chromebooks to work on programming using the Scratch software. Also, they researched the poet from the shared text in English, finding out about her life and works.
Stag Class found out about the internet and how it all fits together, using vocabulary such as router, domain, client and server.
Inspiring Changemakers
Our Inspiring Learners this week are:
Victoria in Hedgehog Class
For demonstrating our school value of Aiming High and the character virtue of respect. Victoria has amazed us this week with how hard she has been trying in class. She has shown brilliant listening and has taken such pride in her work.
Ruben in Squirrel Class
For demonstrating our school value of Aiming high and the character virtue of motivation. Ruben shows great enthusiasm and excitement for learning in class and it has been lovely to hear how he has continued his Stone Age learning at home by making a bow and arrow.
Kodi in Fox Class
For demonstrating our school value of Aiming High and the character virtues of Determination and Generosity. Kodi has been working hard in every subject this week and has demonstrated a really helpfulness in and around the classroom.
Kaedon in Stag Class
Kaedon had an amazing week, trying hard in every subject and producing neat work every time. Well done Kaedon!
Tabitha in Stag Class
Tabitha has been showing her amazing oracy skills, asking sensible questions and expressing her views articulately. Well done Tabitha!
John in Stag Class
Whilst on holiday, John did lots of work and kept a beautiful holiday diary. Since returning, John has worked hard, especially on his SPAG work. Well done John!
Well done Everybody!
Message from the School Office
Just a polite reminder for parents and carers to ensure that all jumpers have their children’s names in please and ensure your child hasn’t accidentally picked up someone else’s jumper. Some parents have mislaid some jumpers.
Thank you.
Please call / message the office by 2pm if you wish to change arrangements regarding the collection of children that day. Giving the office and teachers this additional time will help to ensure a smooth transition at the end of the day.
An ‘All Age Christian service’ will be held at 5pm at Larcs on Sunday 6th November and then Sunday 4th December. They would love to welcome more families to come and join them, it is a less formal service where modern worship songs are sung. Crafts are set up to keep younger ones engaged during Bible readings.
Dates for your diary:
w/c 14th November | Friendship Week (Anti-bullying) |
w/c 14th November | Parent Consultation Week |
18th November | Children In Need day |
21st November | Phonics Parent Workshop 3:45 – 4:15 pm |
24th November | School photo day – portraits and siblings |
24th November | Parent Seesaw Workshop 3:45-4:15 pm |
25th November | Flu vaccinations |
26th November | Tiverton Lantern Parade (tbc) |
28th November | Decision Spelling Parent Workshop 3:45-4:15 pm |
26th November | Wellington Maths Challenge (tbc) |
1st December | Christmas Fayre |
13th December | Nativity |
14th December | Christmas show at THS for Reception/Yr1 |
14th December | Nativity |
15th December | Christmas Lunch and Parties |
16th December | Christmas Church Service |
16th December | Last day of term |
3rd January 2023 | Non-pupil day |
4th January | First day of term |
9th January | Parent Forum |
11th – 19th February | HALF TERM |
23rd February | Parent Forum |
2nd March | World Book Day |
w/c 27th March | Parent Consultation Week |
31st March | Easter Church Service |
1st – 16th April | Easter Holiday |
19th April | Parent Forum |
29th April | Exmoor Challenge |
1st May | May Bank Holiday |
w/c 8th May | KS2 SATS week |
19th May | Class Photos?? |
27th May – 4th June | HALF TERM |
13th June | Parent Forum |
4th July | Sports Day |
5th July | Back-up Sports Day |
14th July | Non-pupil day |
19th July | KS2 Performance |
21st July | Leavers Assembly |
21st July | Last day of term |
————————————————————————————————————————————————– SEND / Safeguarding Updates
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