Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a wonderful start to the term. The children have demonstrated great determination to get straight back into their learning after the Christmas break and are being very kind in helping me to settle in – thank you children!
I have really enjoyed meeting some of you, if I haven’t already spoken to you, please do come and say hello. Unless I am in a meeting or away from school, I intend to be on the gate every morning and evening.
Clubs will be starting again this term – beginning today with KS1 Soft Archery and Forest School on Thursday (thanks to Chris for leading this) both from 3.30 to 4.30pm. We are also intending to run some lunch clubs so the bus children don’t miss out – to include Board Games Club and Italian Club.
We have also signed up for some sporting events with Tiverton High School so that each year group will have the opportunity to take part in a sporting tournament of some kind this term to include Handball, Rugby and Multiskills Details of times and dates etc, for clubs, sporting events and trips will be confirmed and published on the newsletter each week. The next one will be this Friday.
On Monday afternoons, all the children in the school will take part in a carousel of activities while their teachers have their non-contact time. Activities will include PE, Character Development and learning about Environmental Issues.
Mandy Grant will be coming into school on Wednesday afternoons to teach Piano to any children who have signed up for lessons with her. I am also meeting another music teacher this week to discuss lessons in ukelele and recorder. Please do let me know if you would be interested in your child taking up an instrument.
We discussed so many opportunities for the children on our Non Pupil Day on Tuesday – trips and visits, wrap around care, open afternoons and parent workshops. As soon as the trips are confirmed, we will send out the paperwork for you. I will also be sending out a parent questionnaire to guage the need for wrap around care.
Reading for pleasure is a focus for all the children and it would be very helpful if you could just indicate in their reading diaires if they have done the recommended 20 minutes of reading per day so that we can keep tabs on what and how much they are reading in order to support developing their skills and genre.
It’s been a very exciting start to the term and I am really looking forward to putting all these ideas into action!
Best wishes
Lully Newman
Head Teacher
Bampton CofE Primary School